
Showing posts from May, 2022

10 eco-friendly products I've tried

This blog has apparently made it to a second post. This one is about eco-friendly products I've tried in attempts to reduce waste and energy consumption. I look at a lot of YouTube videos and articles to find new products, so here's a list of my own!  1. Bar shampoo (5/10) The bar shampoo I tried felt like I was just using soap to wash my hair. I'm still convinced it wasn't just a bar of soap. My hair felt clean, but I had to wash it daily instead of 2-3 times a week like I usually do with normal shampoo.  2.  The Good Fill refillable shampoo and conditioner (7/10) The shampoo and conditioner I use now is from The Good Fill! I use the  unscented  shampoo and have tried the  sweet pea  and  peppermint  flavours of conditioner so far.  The way the Good Fill works is you first buy the shampoo in a glass or aluminum bottle. After you use that up, you can buy refill pouches for a lower price. You could actually also just buy refills to put into your own bottles. I honestly

The fear of climate change has started this blog

     College is out, and summer break is here. I have free time, and the weather is getting warmer. So lately, I have been thinking about climate change. And climate change is one of those things that gets scarier the more you think about it.      Yesterday I was stationary biking when I began to sweat. It was around 80 degrees, and suddenly, I thought about how uncomfortable it would be if the heat I felt then were permanent, spreading until there was nowhere we could hide. At first, people would probably fight to stay indoors, concentrating by air conditioners. Poor people would be the first to die. However, in the end, even air conditioning wouldn’t be enough, generating more and more CO2 until a thickening atmosphere eventually suffocates us all, trapped with the still growing heat.      Now, I know that's far from what global warming is. Even if we mess up really badly, the temperature won't go up by more than a few degrees. However, that stickiness of summer heat made me